What the U.S vs. Fricosu (2011) case "might" mean for future law and Cloud Computing cases regarding encryption!
Introduction Hello readers! I have been working on school stuff and finally at the end of the week do I now have time to update "The Labyrinth" and discuss "important" developments that you need to know in the field of Law and Technology!. It also helps greatly, that I am taking a "computer law" course this semester as a free elective for my major, along with two other courses in an effort to obtain my Bachelors degree in December, but enough about that. Let me give you a "brief" overview, regarding what I am going to be discussing today. In this week's entry, I am briefly going to summarize the U.S vs. Frisocu (2011) case and how it "may" related to future law cases involving encryption and encryption in the "cloud" i.e the developments we are seeing play out with the Kim Dot Com "strategy" (Note: I am not going to comment on whether or not "Mega" website is "ethical" or not. You should go ...