
Showing posts from May 19, 2013

Three "must listen" to Thin Lizzy albums from the 70's you should hear in your lifetime if you are fan of "Vintage Rock"

Introduction Hello, everyone. I am back this week after taking a long month off. In this month's entry, I am going to be switching gears back to the topic of music. No one can and should underestimate the value that music has on society and it's cultural significance. Today, I am briefly going to be looking at three of what I would argue are three of Thin Lizzy's "best" albums from the late 1970's and the significant impact they have had on Rock N' Roll over the last fourty or so years. I am going to rate them and then try to convince you the listener, why you should listen to them or at least "consider" listening to these albums if you are a fan of Vintage Rock. Like always, it will be up to you determine whether or not they have any intrinsic value. Now that I have got that out of the way, I can begin to describe my favorite Thin Lizzy albums from the 1970's: Three of my top favorite Thin Lizzy albums Bad Reputation (1977) - Phil Lyno...